Junction 28 of the M1: new analysis delivers ‘more evidence’ for the need for upgrade

M1 junction 28 from the air - image courtesy of onclusivenews

New analysis shows that area around junction 28 of the M1 has amongst the highest level of transport-related social exclusion in England.

Midlands Connect says this is ‘more evidence’ to upgrade the key junction.

In the surrounding district, 64,495 or 80.1% of residents live in neighbourhoods with a nationally high risk of Transport Related Social Exclusion (TRSE), compared with 18% of residents across England. This area ranks 2 out of 296 Local Authority Districts for the overall level of TRSE risk.  Suburbs are in the top 10% of England’s council wards concerning the risk of transport-related social exclusion. 

Transport-related social exclusion means transport issues have a fundamental impact on everyday life, and limit the ability to fulfil everyday needs. This could mean being unable to access childcare or good job opportunities, facing poverty and financial hardship because of transport costs, or facing significant stress and anxiety from using the transport system as part of everyday life.

In July, Midlands Connect released figures showing junction 28 of the M1 is up to 107% capacity in the morning rush hour. Delays at junction 28 of the M1 are leading to over 1,100 hours of delay in peak periods and costing the economy over £4.5m a year.

Consumer research conducted by Midlands Connect in 2022 showed 82% of residents surveyed in the districts of Bolsover and Ashfield would support improvements to upgrade Junction 28 of the M1 in Derbyshire.

Recently,  Natalie Fleet MP was named as Parliamentary Champion for the junction.

Integrated Transport Programme Lead Swati Mittal said: “These new figures are yet more evidence of how we need to upgrade J28 and unlock the road network in and around South Normanton and Pixton. These figures were the highest compared to the similar schemes which we promote and look at.

“Over the last couple of years, we have shown that upgrading J28 would be good for businesses, is supported by residents and would help tackle transport exclusion.”

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