Prolific shoplifter jailed after being identified through social media

A prolific shoplifter who was identified after a Police appeal through social media has subsequently been jailed for her crimes.

Billie Jean Summers pleaded guilty to a total of 15 offences, including 9 shop thefts across Long Eaton, Chilwell and Ilkeston and 6 breaches of her Criminal Behaviour Order by entering these stores. She was handed a 26-week custodial sentence.

PC Watson from the Ilkeston Safer Neighbourhood Team said: "This is a fantastic result for our team and Ilkeston and highlights how important the use of social media to engage with our wider community can be.

"This person has been a persistent offender, and with help from the public, she has been identified, arrested and jailed in a matter of days and I want to thank our community for helping us achieve this."

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