The Long Eaton & District Branch of the Parkinsons Disease Society meets between 2:00pm and 4:00pm twice every month with a branch meeting held on the last Thursday and a less formal 'social' meeting on the second Thursday.
Meetings of this branch of the registered charity take place at the Sandiacre & District Conservative Club, Moorfield Crescent, Sandiacre, this being a cul-de-sac off Woodside Road. A large car park is available, and transport can be provided if required by calling Frank Kirk on 0115 973 3579, allowing four days to arrange. The Branch offers companionship, comfort and support to those with Parkinsons and their carers.
Information, literature and videos on various aspects of Parkinsons are displayed at every meeting and refreshments are also available during the interval For further information, contact Branch Secretary Margaret Palfreyman on 01773 787987 or Membership Secretary Stuart Bancroft on 0115 972 2852.